4th guest lecture about intelligent automation at Fontys Applied University
Rick Teunissen
4 years in a row!
At Tacstone Technology we care about democratizing RPA and intelligent automation. We did not hesitate to say “yes” when Mrs. José Huisman, teacher and responsible for ICT and Business at Fontys Applied University Eindhoven, invited us again for a guest lecture on the rise of intelligent automation. For the fourth (!) time in a row already, we got the opportunity to share our automation stories with an international community of ICT students.
60 international students attend guest lecture on the rise of automation
We think the automation curriculum at Fontys might well be the best there is in the Netherlands. José Huijsman has succeeded in creating an inspiring mixture of theory, best practices and lessons learned from companies applying automation, internships and guest lectures. All of this aimed at delivering the best-prepared ICT students to the job market. The guest lecture on Automation was attended by some 60 international students. With enthusiasm, they listened to Tacstone partner Cees-Willem van Rooij storytelling about the rise of RPA and AI and the impact of new technologies on client organizations, society as a whole and the job market. Tacstone Technology is very happy to continue this long-lasting relationship with Fontys and it’s students. We hope and expect that our connection will result in many more future automation professionals in the years to come.

Interested in a guest lecture about intelligent automation?
Are you an ICT student, teacher or in any other role representing a Dutch university? Are you interested in receiving a guest lecture on intelligent automation? Please contact Ebert Knol or Rick Teunissen and we will be happy to climb the stage with you!